How to Harness the Potential of AI to Create New Opportunities?

Day 30. June 2023 posted Anemari Pediček

Artificial intelligence is certainly one of the hottest topics of our time. Today, we use it to solve many problems in our everyday lives - to find the fastest route, to read web pages written in another language, to find the information we need, and for many other purposes. But the use of AI also raises a number of questions and challenges. That's why at this year's summer social gathering for the Slovenian entrepreneurial ecosystem (Teambuilding), we ventured into the world of AI, exploring how it can be used in business, how it can be used to increase productivity, and how it will affect our everyday lives and future.


This year's traditional teambuilding event took place on June 13 in the beautiful Orehov gaj (Walnut Grove). The event focused on learning about the latest topics in the field of AI, socializing and networking with innovative people who are passionate about entrepreneurship. Together with SK and P2 companies, which are part of the Startup Plus program under the auspices of the Slovene Enterprise Fund (SEF), the event brought together 50 participants, including mentors and other members of the startup ecosystem.


The day was filled with an inspiring entrepreneurial atmosphere, proving once again the power of innovation, courage and desire to turn entrepreneurial ideas into reality in the Slovenian startup scene.


Nejc Novak

Nejc Novak from Nlaw

Teambuilding Startupplus SEF METS Startupmentor
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.