P2 SEF Incentive To Accelerate Startups


Startup P2 incentives of the Slovene Enterprise Fund encourage startups with growth potential at the beginning of their journey and develop innovative products, processes and services with high added value, which solve user’s problems for a wider market.



The aim of P2 is to support the development of innovative ideas from enterprising individuals and teams to help them succeed in their path to market success.


Amounts and forms of financing:

  • Up to €54.000 in subsidies per business. 


Financing period - disbursements in three tranches over a two-and-a-half-year period:

  • First disbursement: up to €10.000
  • Second disbursement: up to €12.000 
  • Third disbursement: up to €32.000


P2 Product includes:

  • Pre-selection procedure Start:up Slovenia, which enables companies to earn up to 35 points through a personal presentation at DEMO Day for the purpose of the public tender.
  • #StartupPlusProgramme, in which the company receives an excellent startup mentor, participates in Bootcamp, KorpoStart and NextRound programmes and more.



Every spring (call for tenders are usually published in March), the Slovene Enterprise Fund provides a startup incentive of €2,16 million, which is sufficient for a subsidy of €54.000 to 40 companies, with 20 from the western and 20 from the eastern cohesion regions.


Exactly 100 points can be obtained in the application procedure for the call for proposals, while the key to success in the tender is participation in the pre-selection procedure carried out by Start:up Slovenia.


In the 11 rounds so far, more than 950 Slovenian startup companies have participated in the pre-selection process for P2. Join those who have already received the P2 startup incentive.


Read more about the pre-selection procedure bellow. The pre-selection for 2020 has already been finished, the one for 2021 es expected to happen in Spring 2021.



Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.