
Techart d.o.o. Sežana

Techart is developing a mechanical generator that can be used to run both automatic and live roulette games and boasts sophisticated aesthetics and functionality. They’re solving the problem of casino equipment providers that do not have a product, which could be used as a gaming slot machine or as a live game with a croupier. Due to the pandemic, many players have started going to online casinos, so real casinos need new approaches on how to attract customers again.

Their product is the HW roulette wheel, which allows gaming roulette providers to get a technical solution that is smaller and aesthetically more attractive than the existing ones, while at an affordable price. It is completely flexible, as it allows manual, semi-automatic and automatic operation of roulette and is also useful in other areas of gambling. The advantage of the solution is a special ball shot, the integration of an LED display for additional games and built-in sensors to detect the position of the ball at any time. It will have the possibility to be operated via the Internet, which will allow for wider use.

Bogdan Franetič CEO
Support Environments
  • Incubator Sežana
Involvement in the Programme
P2 2021 SEF StartupPlus+
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
76 - 300k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.