
Quintaum d.o.o. Ljubljana

Quintaum is an analytical tool that allows you to understand the current state of your workforce, your corporate culture, and if your workplace provides the culture, atmosphere, and management your employees crave.


Quintaum provides the resources to dive deep into the minds of individual team members, understand their needs, wants, and frustrations, and promotes personal and organizational well-being. Through a scientifically designed survey, our proprietary application analyzes data across 210 indicators related to employees' management, workplace preferences, and well-being. The results are presented in an easy-to-understand dashboard. By functioning as a targeted engagement process, Quintaum allows people to be understood and resilient teams to be built.

Tilen Kodrin Co-founder
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
0 - 75k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.