Giro Car Share

Giro Car Share d.o.o. Ljubljana

Given the fact that privately owned cars are not being used the vast majority of the time, Giro Car Share solves a major problem. With the help of a mobile application, the Giro Car Share system offers those who need a vehicle an easy rental, and those who own a vehicle can easily rent it out and earn some money at the same time. Car sharing is a great opportunity for additional earnings, as it ensures that cars are in operation even when the owners do not use them, and they earn something during this time. So instead of cars standing unused in parking lots or garages, they benefit those who desperately need them. Giro Car Share is also a solution for car lovers to get a ride in a prestigious or sports car they may never own.

Involvement in the Programme
SI-SK 2019 SEF StartupPlus+ SI-SK SEF
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
76 - 300k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.