
Flaviar Inc. New York

Flaviar is a spirits club that enables its subscribers to discover new flavours.


The Flaviar team delivers to its subscribers a package of new flavours in tasting bottles each month for less than 20 euros monthly.


The main advantage of Flaviar for subscribers is that they do not have to buy the whole bottle before they are convinced that they like the spirits, and subscribers can also access spirits from all over the world that would otherwise be unavailable to them.


Flaviar also offers an online application that has become a kind of "IMDb for spirits". In addition to its huge base of spirits, the app also offers innovative visualization of flavours. Flaviar has so far collected several investment rounds by renowned investors such as SpeedInvest and Y Combinator.

Jugoslav Petković CEO
Key Technologies
Web/mobile tools
Market type
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.