
Ergonomske rešitve d.o.o. Maribor

Due to the increasing number of health problems caused by prolonged incorrect posture when sitting at a computer, Ergonomic Solutions d.o.o. has developed products that prevent or reduce these harmful effects.


Ergos fully adjustable ergonomic office chairs allow us to do our work most of the time with the least muscle strain, stress on the joints, and the least amount of energy. It helps us keep our bodies balanced so that some muscles are not too stiff and others are not too loose. In collaboration with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor, the team has also developed an ergonomic innovation called Ergonomko - a multifunctional adjustable device for correct posture, suitable for both sitting and standing. With Ergonomko, we maintain a natural posture when working with documents, pens, computer mice, keyboards, and other smart devices while looking at the computer screen.

Rade Stamenkovič CEO
Market type
Revenue in the year 2022
76 - 300k
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.