SID banka

SID Banka offers small and medium-sized enterprises debt and equity financing and insurance of international transactions.

As the manager of Sklad Skladov, SID Banka manages about €250 million from the European cohesion funds available to Slovenia in the financial period 2014-2020 until 2023 to finance entrepreneurship development. With additional funds of the financial intermediaries, a total of €400 million will be available to companies and other final recipients.


Its focus is to promote sustainable economic growth and development in four areas: research, development and innovation; small and medium-sized enterprises; energy efficiency; and urban development.

Basic information
SID - Slovenska izvozna in razvojna banka, d.d., Ljubljana

Ulica Josipine Turnograjske 6
1000 Ljubljana


Natalija Stošicki
Type of Investor
Drugo Sklad tveganega kapitala Strateški investitor
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.