Slovenian Deep Tech Demo Day

Day 8. June 2023

The Deep Tech Hub - an accelerator program of the Slovene Enterprise Fund, has opened applications for deep tech projects that are looking for a boost in commercializing your project idea. It offers you specialized expert advice, preparation of online workshops, and Demo Day, where you will present yourself to investors. They will give you quality feedback on your project, connect with them, and thus open the door to new partnerships or potential investments.



8 selected deep tech projects will step in front of investors

The final of the program is the "DEMO DAY", which will take place on June 29th from 14:00 to 16:00 in Ljubljana. To be well prepared for it, we have prepared 3 short online meetings for you, where we will arm you with important skills and knowledge for the successful commercialization of your technology. Participation in those 3 events is NOT a prerequisite for applying to Demo Day.


The registered projects are entitled to up to 25 hours of 1:1 mentoring with a top entrepreneurship expert who will guide you on the path of the successful commercialization of your project.



Who can apply?

  • Scientists and researchers with breakthrough technology and a desire to commercialize it;
    Globally oriented "deep tech" startup companies;
    Large companies with breakthrough deep-tech projects.



Why participate?

  • Assistance in commercializing your technology, which can thrive on the market as a successful startup company.
    As a member of the deep tech community, which is being built by the Slovene Enterprise Fund, you will have access to substantive and financial support for commercialization, which will give you an additional boost.
    Presentation in front of domestic and foreign investors.
    You will gain feedback on your project, potential partners and investors, and a "right hand", a business mentor, who will help you answer all difficult questions.
    Assistance in the development and marketing of new "deep tech" products and services for a green and digital transition.


apply now



Deep tech accelerator program

  • June 20, 2023; 14.00 - 16.00

Online Training:

»Understanding the world of venture capital and how investment can accelerate the commercialization of your innovation« 

Gergő Gulyás, Innovation expert, iScaleHub


  • June 21, 2023; 14.00 - 16.00

Online Training:

»How to build an effective sales opportunity acquisition strategy - how to find and convert more B2B customers to buy your deep-tech solutions«

Tamas Szeker, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, iScaleHub


  • June 26, 2023; 14.00 - 16.00

Online Test Demo Day

Gergő Gulyás and Tamas Szeker, iScaleHub & Matej Rus and Urban Lapajne, Venture Factory


  • June 29, 2023; 14.00 - 16.00

»Slovenian Deep Tech Demo Day«

Teslova ulica 30, 1000 Ljubljana, 3. nadstropje Labaratoriji podjetja Labena d.o.o.

Each team will have 5 minutes to pitch and 5 minutes to answer investors' questions.


The number of places and hours available are limited, so apply as soon as possible to start working with a mentor as early as next week!


Applications are open until June 19th!


apply now


Who is involved in the consulting program?

Venture Factory, LUI, Katapult, Primorska Technology Park, Ljubljana Technology Park and others.


Join us today and take a step forward on your innovative path!

Program sofinancirata Slovenski podjetniški sklad in Evropska unija, in sicer iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj. Izvaja se na podlagi programa »Vsebinska podpora prejemnikov sredstev (MSP) v obdobju od 2018 do 2023 v okviru Operativnega programa za izvajanje evropske kohezijske politike v obdobju 2014-2020.«

Startup MGRT SEF DeepTechHub
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.