Slovenia is no longer the grey spot for sale on Amazon Europe

Day 24. February 2020 posted Mitja Sagaj

After the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology (MGRT) has made intensive efforts in the last few months to enable Slovenian companies to operate on the Amazon Europe online platform, this is now possible. Although the launch of Slovenian companies on this largest online sales channel was announced in November last year, the deadline was delayed to establish a better user experience for companies.


As previously reported, MGRT has been working intensively with Amazon representatives over the past two years to enable Slovenian companies to conduct business through the Amazon Europe platform. Amazon had anticipated that all the necessary technical solutions would be implemented in the third quarter of last year, but there was a delay to establish a better user experience for participating companies.


It was not until mid-February when Amazon informed MGRT representatives that all necessary technical adjustments had been successfully implemented, making Slovenia one of the countries that can conduct business operations through the Amazon Europe platform.


MGRT, therefore, invites all interested Slovenian companies to take advantage of the new sales channel to launch their products through Amazon Europe, as this is the largest online sales channel in the world and an exceptional opportunity for them.

Head of PR and Communications Start:up Slovenia & PODIM Conference
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.