How to become a better leader

Day 22. June 2017 posted Stanislava Vabšek

Working with people and leading the company are two areas where startups with even the most advanced technologies and most promising products break. As much as 40% of companies fail because of problems with the team, which is constantly facing a high level of uncertainty, risk, and instability, and because of a lack of established business processes. Additionally, due to a small number of people in startups, every team member has a much bigger influence on the final success! That is why this year’s summer SK teambuilding with all six generations of startups that received Slovene Enterprise Fund’s convertible loan or public equity investment was given the slogan “Everything is in people”. It was dedicated to acquiring new knowledge and strengthening competencies in the field of managing or working with people as well as to connecting and exchanging experiences between founders and members of core teams.
We invited experts Borut Jeglič and Rok Stritar to collaborate with us at the workshop. They shared priceless directions and advice for increasing productivity and atmosphere in teams, and finally also for achieving better mental and physical wellbeing of entrepreneurs who, besides their career, should also take care of their personal lives and health. They pointed out that the best leaders always take care of three key areas of working with people: all employees understand their work and have clear goals; they understand their contribution to the results of the team and company; and they use their assets in their work every day. Additionally, if you want enthusiastic employees, you need to pay attention to five key elements every day, no matter what kind of a style of leading you have. Firstly, you should set clear expectations and goals for team members. Secondly, you have to create and define an inspiring company mission. Thirdly, keep in mind that praise is the biggest motivator. Fourthly, you should use tools (psychological tests, analyses …) that will help you understand and use the best qualities of your employees. And finally, you should ensure constant feedback.


The whole article is published in Slovenian here. If you want additional information about this event, please write to us at


SK teambuilding 2017
Communications and PR Start:up Slovenija
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.