Do not underestimate entering a foreign market

Day 30. September 2020 posted Mitja Sagaj

Thinking about internationalizing your business, but don’t know how to get started? The INTL program brings you experts with the knowledge of how to successfully conquer abroad.


Do you want to expand your business abroad? Then it is good to know that foreign markets should not be underestimated in any way. Entrepreneurs should get to know the markets they want to enter. But before that they should position their company very well according to the stage it is in. INTL program is part of the Startup Plus Program.



The INTL program, which is available free of charge to recipients of P2 startup incentives and SK seed capital of the Slovene Enterprise Fund, will address all your dilemmas and provide you knowledge and information to avoid mistakes already made by those who have already taken the entrepreneurial path before you.


As a INTL participant you will have access to a series of educational events where you will learn all about:

  • strategy for expansion into foreign markets,

  • marketing growth in foreign markets,

  • sales in foreign markets,

  • the necessary competencies that both the individual and the team must have for international growth, as well as

  • all about financing international growth.


Are you ready for internationalisation?

But … first things first. You have to check whether you are ready for internationalization. INTL participants also use special business diagnostics to determine the level of readiness of their startup for internationalization. They obtain the so-called gap analysis and concrete advice for expansion into foreign markets, which is also the basis for further individual advice.


The analysis specifies whether the company's product is suitable for entering the desired market, as well as the formal and informal competencies of the team to operate in this market, financial sustainability in entering and existing in the target market, and whether the content and materials are appropriate for the market they want to enter.


Connect with experts that can save you many bruises

According to Bernard Grum from ABC Accelerator, the co-organiser of the program together with CEED Slovenia they, last year's implementation of the program confirmed that entrepreneurial cooperation in individual focus groups is more effective, so it will be included this year as well.





Content support for recipients of P2, SK75 or SI-SK financial products under the "de minimis" scheme is co-financed from the Slovene Enterprise Fund and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. This is implemented on the basis of the Content Support for Funds Recipients (SMEs) Programme in the 2018-2023 period, under the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020.



INTL Startup Plus Program SEF Slovene Enterprise Fund Internationalization
Head of PR and Communications Start:up Slovenia & PODIM Conference
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.