Discover the Secrets of International Success of Slovenian Tech Companies

Day 9. November 2023

Tech companies are constantly looking for new challenges to solve with their innovative solutions and products. Often, the market in Slovenia is too small for all ideas to be realized, so companies have to embark on the path to the international market. Tehnološka podjetja neprestano iščejo nove izzive, ki bi jih s svojimi inovativnimi rešitvami in produkti uspešno rešile. This time, Start:up Müsli welcomed Luka Topolovec from nChaina, Matej Hertiš from Nomnia and Andraž Logar from 3fs-ja, who all shared their entrepreneurial experiences and valuable advice with the audience.


Want to read the whole article? It's available in slovene, so use your favourite translation tool and find it here




Andraz Logar

Andraž Logar

Matej Hertis

Matej Hertiš


Luka Topolovec

Luka Topolovec


Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.