Damage Assessment for the August 2023 Floods Is Underway!

Day 17. August 2023

The Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport has launched an assessment of the damage caused to the economy by the August floods and landslides, following a decision by the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief. Businesses must estimate the damage to machinery, equipment, inventory and loss of income using a special form in accordance with instructions issued by the Ministry.


more INFO (in slovene)


Application procedure and deadline 

The damage assessment form and the application for advance payment must be completed in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry and sent to the Ministry no later than 1st September 2023. 


The completed form must be sent by one of two methods:

  • by e-mail to: mgts@gov.si or
  • by post to: Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport, Trubarjeva ulica 11, 2000 Maribor marked 'Floods August 2023').


Contacts at the Ministry:

Petra Šegula (01 400 31 30)

Miša Osterc (01 400 31 25)

Alenka Marovt (01 400 31 29)




METS Floods Damage
Izvedba: Mojdenar IT d.o.o.